writing - fictober 2020 - day 15

“Not interested, thank you.” The Troll Warlord turned away, dismissing the Vengeful Spirit behind him. That really made her mad. She had once been a princess, and one thing she couldn’t abide was being dismissed or treated as if she wasn’t important.

“I got you a fucking healing potion, now you’ll take it!” She didn’t shout, but her voice was loud enough to carry even over the sounds of the fighting near them. “I don’t care if you want to or not, I spent my money for it, so you won’t run around half dead, and now you’ll take it!” The Vengeful Spirit narrowed her eyes, staring daggers at the Troll “Otherwise, I’ll throw it at your stupid head and see if it heals you that way, too, or if the damage of the hit and the healing cancel each other out so you’ll be as wounded as now.”

Maybe it was her tone, or maybe it was the way her eyes almost glowed, giving her an eerie appearance with her white hair and blue skin. Anyway, the Troll hesitated, suddenly appearing unsure. He towered over the Spirit at least a head, his bulky frame double of her mass. Combined with his long teeth and fierce expression it made him a frightening appearance.

But the Vengeful Spirit stood her ground. She wasn’t afraid, of nothing, ever. And when she was angry she didn’t care about much at all. This stupid Troll should be grateful for her support instead of treating her like nothing. He was nothing without her and if he didn’t see it on his own she’d make him see it. She bared her teeth at him and the huge creature looked even more unsettled.

“Okay, I’ll take the fucking potion.”

“And you’ll thank me for providing it.” Fury radiated from the small and beautiful yet deadly creature.

The Troll Warlord would’ve liked to sigh and roll his eyes but he didn’t dare. “Thank you for the healing potion. I’ll gladly take it.”

“You are welcome.” She thrust the potion at him and turned away, dismissing him.
