If Inuyasha Characters played among Inuyasha: always gets caught killing or venting when he’s imposter. Always terrible

If Inuyasha Characters played among us…

Inuyasha: always gets caught killing or venting when he’s imposter. Always terrible at figuring out whose lying.

Kagome: just does her tasks like a good crew mate, always suspects Inuyasha. Pretty good at playing imposter, but sometimes she gets nervous if people start suspecting her and it gives her away

Shippo: will always kill Inuyasha first as imposter and will always suspect Inuyasha as a crew mate

Miroku: pretty good a making deductions and figuring out who it is as a crew mate. Very convincing liar as imposter, and good at killing stealthily. Unfortunately, whenever Sango accuses him when he is the imposter, he tries to flirt with her and everyone knows this is his tell and will vote him immediately.

Sango: observant as a crew mate but usually won’t make accusations until she’s very sure. The only one who can reliably see through Miroku’s BS when he’s imposter. Fantastic as an imposter, no one ever suspects her.
