It's not hard to use they/them pronouns, and yes, using they/them pronouns is important and people do care about

It’s not hard to use they/them pronouns, and yes, using they/them pronouns is important and people do care about being misgendered.

I don’t like it when I, a girl, go on Among Us and everyone calls me a “he”, and I’m cis.

I can’t imagine being a trans woman and everyone assuming my gender and calling me a “he” just cuz the color I used in AU is green.

So to my fellow cissors, stop assuming genders. It’s annoying to be cis and be misgendered but it’s even more harmful to people with gender dysphoria.

Again, it’s not hard to use they/them pronouns, so stop saying “STFU UR SO ANNOYING” when someone asks you to use them. Not assuming genders isn’t gonna destroy the entire planet, Karen. We know you love to assume, but it’s not necessary you stank ass bitch.
