Amongi Care when You're Not There.

Inspired by my own being in school and wishing I could just go home and play a certain mobile game all day instead, here’s a guide on-

Amongi Care when You’re Not There.

Amongi are pack animals, so they’re very good at taking care of the other amongi in their lobby. Especially if you’ve got a Scientist, leaving your amongi home alone while you must fulfill your societal requirements should be fine. Most amongi owners own multiple amongi, but a well-enough trained bean can take care of themselves for a bit as well. But, that being said, you can’t just abandon your amongi for ≈8 hours a day! Here are some things to help them when you can’t.

Keep enclosures closed, or keep your belongings protected or tucked away. Crewmates may mistake things that aren’t tasks for tasks and rearrange a whole room, and Impostors will almost certainly sabotage the biggest, coolest-looking thing they can find- many an amongi owner has come home to find a new TV knocked down to the floor and kitchen spices sorted neatly into the dishwasher. Younger, smaller amongi will be best to keep in an enclosure while you’re out, but for adult amongi it’s better to just give them the space they need with an entire room, though you absolutely MUST have an emergency meeting button in that room, otherwise being shut in a room can terrify Crewmates and most Crewpostors.

If you’re able to completely protect and fence off everything important, use the living room. It must be a large, relatively open room, no matter what. But DO NOT leave your amongi out in the backyard. Even if you’re only leaving for an hour.

Make sure to leave your amongi with plenty of food and water- don’t worry, they know not to eat it all at once as soon as you leave. Make sure the room/enclosure has a litterbox, too- you don’t want the amongi pooping on the floor, and neither do they! If you have Crewmates, put their favorite tasks in the area. Include a few long tasks so they can kill time. If you have Impostors, fill the area with plenty of squeaky toys and tunnels. If you have Impostors and ONLY Impostors, with no Crewmates or Crewpostors, put things in the area for them to “sabotage” without actually doing any real harm- it’ll entertain them for a while! You should avoid this if you have Crewmates/Crewpostors as it will scare them.

If the only amongi you have are either very young (1-3 yrs) or very old (40+) you should try to get them a sitter, work at home, or drop them off at an amongi daycare- minis don’t know how to take care of themselves and it could be dangerous for older beans to try. Do the same if you have only one amongus, too, as it’ll get incredibly bored and lonely.

Many amongi owners think “oh, they’re just like normal house pets, I can just leave then here and they’ll be fine!” But this is not the case. Amongi are surprisingly difficult to care for sometimes, and if you’re able to, I’d honestly say that you should just work from home and pay as much attention and care to your beans as you would human children. They’re incredibly intelligent, caring creatures, which is as much a hindrance for keeping them as it is a benefit.
